All Juan de Juanes Oil Paintings

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Juan de Juanes The Burial of St.Stephen oil painting

The Burial of St.Stephen
Painting ID::  2098
Artist: Juan de Juanes
Painting: The Burial of St.Stephen
Introduction: Museo del Prado, Madrid








Juan de Juanes The Burial of St.Stephen oil painting

The Burial of St.Stephen
Painting ID::  28537
Artist: Juan de Juanes
Painting: The Burial of St.Stephen
Introduction: mk61 Oil on panel 160x123cm








Juan de Juanes The Entombment of St Stephen Martyr oil painting

The Entombment of St Stephen Martyr
Painting ID::  43721
Artist: Juan de Juanes
Painting: The Entombment of St Stephen Martyr
Introduction: c. 1560 Panel, 160 x 123 cm








Juan de Juanes the last supper oil painting

the last supper
Painting ID::  56706
Artist: Juan de Juanes
Painting: the last supper
Introduction: mk247 c.1560,oil on panel ,45.625x75.25 in,116x191 cm,museo del prado,madrid,spain








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     Check All Juan de Juanes's Paintings Here!
     1523-1579 Spanish Juan de Juanes Gallery Born in Bocairent and was considered the premier painter of the Valencian school of painters, and often called "the Spanish Raphael", was born at La Font de la Figuera in the province of Valencia. He is said to have studied his art for some time in Rome, with which school his affinities are closest, but he greater part of his professional life was spent in the city of Valencia, where most of the extant examples of his work are now to be found. All relate to religious subjects, and are characterized by dignity of conception, accuracy of drawing, ruth and beauty of color, and minuteness of finish. He died at Bocairent (near X??tiva) while engaged upon an altarpiece in the church there. Since his name Macip made him sound like a laborer (macero), he adopted the name of Juanes or de Juan, and the heraldy of that family of nobility. He painted a Raphaelesqe Holy Family for the sacristy in the Cathedral of Valencia. He never painted a profane subject, and emulated Luis de Cargas and Fra Angelico de Fiesole, in never painting unless he had underwent holy communion. Painting for him was a solemn exercise, an oratory process, full of prayers and fasts. He never lacked church patronage; the archbishop of Valencia, St. Thomas of Villanova, ordered a set of cartoon panels about the Life of the Virgin to model for some tapestries. He also painted for the churches of the Jesuits, Domicans, Minims, Augustinians, Franciscans, and for the churches of San Nicol??s , Santa Cruz , Carmen Calzado, St Esteban, Corona, Temple, San Andr??s, San Bartolom?? and San Miguel de los Reyes. Among his best works is the Immaculate Conception painted for the Jesuit church, supposedly inspired by a revelation undergone by the painter's confessor, Father Martin Alberto, confesor del pintor. Macip also painted portraits. His son, Juan Vicente Joanes, imitated his style. His two daughters, Dorotea and Margarita were also painters. Him most prominent pupil was Nicolas Borras. . Related Artists to Juan de Juanes : | Sir edwin henry landseer,R.A. | Franciszek Smuglewicz | Peter Fendi | GUERCINO | George goodwin kilburne |




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